Feb 3, 2004

The Scoreboard Laws

Eight rules for video scoreboard operators, from scoreboard guru Paul Shubin:

  1. When your team is losing, everything on
    the scoreboard is unacceptable.
  2. A commercial of 15 seconds duration
    takes longer than 15 seconds to produce.
  3. Agencies only deliver their material on
    the day of the game.
  4. The more bulbs there are in a scoreboard,
    the faster you will spot the one that is
    burnt out.
  5. The only time a game goes to triple
    overtime is on the evening you’ve
    scheduled a special outing.
  6. The more outrageous the activity, the
    more cameras there were that failed to
    capture it.
  7. The crazy fan who’s dancing like a fool
    will stop as soon as you put him on camera.
  8. The better the replay, the more likely you
    can’t show it.

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