Jan 21, 2014

Promotions round-up: Steve Martin on noisy arenas, glow sticks, Rene Rancourt singing Christmas carols, more...

1. Glow sticks handed out for a Hornets logo reveal.

2. Bruins anthem singer Rene Rancourt singing Christmas carols.

3. A giant four-sided washing machine on the field for Fulham FC.
4. First 1,000 fans get free orange juice in Maryland for women's basketball

5. Steve Martin is not a fan of "loudest arena / loudest fans" promotions.

6. Kansas City Chiefs’ Crowd Louder Than KISS at Full Volume

7. Halftime entertainment in Colchester (UK)

8. Michigan State Students Force Two Consecutive Shot-Clock Violations

9. Atmosphere and fans' role in Premier League games becoming a concern
Recent managers' complaints at apathy of fans raises issue; Fan groups look into ways to increase involvement at games

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